Learning Hub Resources
‘Cruel Necessity?’
The Trial of Charles I
Cromwell’s School in LEGO!
Portraits Past and Present!
Approaching Portrait Painting
Approaching Portrait Painting
Cromwell by Candlelight
Spinning a Yarn for Huntingdon Arts Festival
Spinning a Yarn for Huntingdon Arts Festival
Inspired by Cromwell
Naseby: Cromwell’s Flagship
Inspired by Cromwell
Dressed to Kill: Arms & Armour of the Civil Wars
Up Close with the Cromwell Collection
Up Close with the Cromwell Collection
Meet a Civil War Soldier
Workshop Wednesday - 1600s Clothing and fashion
Workshop Wednesday - Civil War Soldiers
Workshop Wednesday - 1600s Food & Schooling
17th Century Science and Medicine
Workshop Wednesday - 1600s Medicine and Surgery
Cromwell’s Huntingdon Guided Walks
Levellers! Living History and Drama Event
‘The Leveller Revolution’: A talk by writer and journalist John Rees
'Cromwell and Ireland': a talk by Professor John Morrill
'Wounded, Widows & Orphans:Civil War Petitions': a talk by Dr Ismini Pells
'Churchill and Cromwell': a Talk by Allen Packwood
The Cromwell Lecture Series 2019
Cromwellian Christmas Activities
Cromwell Museum Sneak Peek
The Trial of Charles I
Museum Reopening
Cromwell Museum Exclusive Access
'Battle' of Huntingdon Exhibition
Meet a Civil War Soldier
Meet a Civil War Soldier
Cromwell Museum Winter Lecture Programme 2020/21
'Providence Lost: Cromwell's Western Design': a talk by Paul Lay
'Sex and Sexuality in Stuart Britain': a talk by Andrea Zuvich
'Imagining the Cromwells': a talk by Miranda Malins
'London: Cromwell's 'Mary Rose': talk by Steve Ellis & Mark Beattie-Edwards
'Becoming a Soldier: Cromwell's First Campaign' - a talk by Stuart Orme
'Rediscovering London's Lost Civil War Defences' - a talk by David Flintham
'With Swords by their Side: Arms & Armour of the Civil Wars' - a talk by Keith Dowen
'History vs Heritage: the Mythology of Marston Moor' a talk by Prof. Steve Murdoch
Cromwell Museum Civil War Lecture Programme 2021
Trial of the Huntingdon 9: the Witchfinder General in Huntingdon
Town Centre Art Trail
Workshop Wednesdays
Huntingdon Art Trail Tour
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Cromwell Museum Autumn Lecture Series
‘Intelligence, Espionage & Cromwell’s Protectorate’ a talk by Alan Marshall
'God’s Architect: Cromwell and the Godly Church’: a talk by Rebecca Warren
‘Tenderest Sight: Cromwell & Charles I’s children’: a talk by Linda Porter
‘Oliver Cromwell: Saint or Serpent?’: a talk by Ronald Hutton
Fake News! 17th Century Printing
The Examination of the Huntingdon Witches
October Half Term: Mask Making
Cromwell's Navy
Meet a Soldier-at-Sea!
February Half-Term Family Fun
Cromwell Museum Spring Online Lecture Series
‘’Faithful Fortress’: Newark in the Civil Wars’: a talk by Kevin Winter, National Civil War Centre
‘A Beginner’s Guide to the Thirty Years’ War’: a talk by Prof Steve Murdoch
‘The Restless Republic: Life in the Republic of Britain’ : a talk by Anna Keay
‘I thank God I can give you a Good Account of Basing’: a talk by Jessie Childs
Cromwell's Navy and the London
Cromwell Crafts
Online Art Talk - 'Warts and All'? Portraits of Cromwell
Online Art Talk - Women of the Cromwell family
From Dunbar to Durham: An Archaeological Mystery
Amazing Archaeology Activities
Bank Holiday 17th Century Huntingdon Guided Walk
Bank Holiday 17th Century Huntingdon Guided Walk
Workshop Wednesdays
Battle of Huntingdon Talk
Battle of Huntingdon - Civil War Re-enactment
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Town Hall Tours
Political Printing!
The Scottish Soldier in the Fens: A Film
Cromwell Museum Autumn Online Lecture Series 2022
‘The Putney Debates and the Birth of Democracy’: a talk by John Rees
‘Protector or Persecutor: Witches, the Devil & Oliver Cromwell’: a talk by Dr Rebecca Warren
‘Cromwell’s Head’: a talk by Dr Jonathan Fitzgibbons
‘Puritan Princesses: Oliver Cromwell’s Daughters’: a talk by Miranda Malins
Cromwell Crafts
Cromwell Museum 60th Birthday
Courtrooms by Candlelight
'All People One': The Levellers
Meet the Barber Surgeon
'The Poorest He: The Putney Debates'
February Half-Term Activities
Cromwell Museum Spring Lecture Series
'The Trial of Charles I: New Evidence': a talk by Professor Ted Vallance
'King's Lynn's Defences: New Archaeological Discoveries': by David Flintham
'Cromwell and the Jewish Community': a talk by Paul Lay
'Oliver Cromwell and the Haunting of Ireland': a talk by Dr Sarah Covington
Cromwell's Letters and Speeches: a talk by Professor John Morrill & Team
Cromwell Crafts: Quills and Wax Seals
Cromwell Crafts: Book binding
Secret Spy Training
Secret State: Cromwellian Spies and Intelligence
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Meet the Intelligencer!
The Romans are Coming!
Cromwell up Close
Huntingdon Town Hall Tours
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Meet a Civil War Soldier
Workshop Wednesday: Pike Drills
Workshop Wednesday: Floral Printing
Workshop Wednesday: Secret Spies Training
Workshop Wednesday: Painting with Stone
Huntingdon Town Hall Heritage Open Days Tours
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Elizabeth Cromwell Remembered
Study Day: Parliament, politics and people: the History of Parliament, House of Commons 1640-1660
Courtrooms by Candlelight
October Half Term: Portraiture
Cromwell Museum Autumn Lecture Series
'Cheshire's Oliver Cromwell? Sir William Brereton: a talk by Peter Gaunt
‘Military Medicine during the Civil Wars’: a talk by Ismini Pells
‘The Gloucester in the Caribbean, 1654 - 56’: a talk by Benjamin Redding
‘Women’s Lives and Writing during the Civil Wars’: a talk by Hannah Jeans
Cromwell's Funeral Banner
'The Weaker Vessel?' Women of the Civil Wars
The Trial of Charles I
February Half Term Activities
Women of the Civil War
Easter Holidays: Make a Medal
Easter Holidays: Design a War Horse
Cromwell Museum Spring Online Lecture Series 2024
‘King Charles I: Man, Monarch and Memory’: an online talk by Mark Turnbull
Risen from Obscurity? Oliver Cromwell's Early Life: a talk by John Morrill
‘The Civilian Experience of the Civil Wars': a talk by Stuart Jennings
'Mrs Cromwell's Cookbook: Food, Print & Politics': a talk by Stuart Orme
Regicide in the Family: Finding John Dixwell. A talk by Sarah Dixwell Brown
Cromwell, Ireland and the Slaughter of Innocents Scandal: a talk by Tom Reilly
Easter Holidays: Civil War Soldiers
Cromwell's Huntingdon
Cromwell Crafts: May Half Term
Cromwell Crafts: May Half Term
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Cromwell Up Close
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Meet the Author: Novelist Charles Cordell
Workshop Wednesdays: Civil War Soldiers
Workshop Wednesday: Create your own Charter
Workshop Wednesday: Explore 17th Century Huntingdon
Workshop Wednesday: Cromwellian Herbal Remedies
Town Hall Tours
Meet a Civil War Soldier
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Courtrooms by Candlelight
Cromwell's Watch
Cromwell Museum Autumn Online Lecture Series 2024
John Bradshawe and the Aftermath of Regicide: a talk by Charlotte Young
Republic: Britain's Revolutionary Decade: a talk by Alice Hunt
The Fall: The Last Days of the English Republic: a talk by Henry Reece
Oliver Cromwell: Commander in Chief: a talk by Ronald Hutton
October Half Term: Cromwellian Clock Making
October Half Term: Cromwellian Clock Making
Spinning and Weaving Workshops
Spinning and Weaving Workshops
Cromwell's Head: the Death and Afterlife of Oliver Cromwell
Cromwell Up Close
Huntingdon Christmas Market
Meet the Barber Surgeon
The Trial of the Huntingdonshire Witches
February Half Term: Cromwell Crafts
February Half Term: Cromwell Crafts
Spinning and Weaving Workshops
Spinning and Weaving Workshop
Secret Spy Training
Civil War Soldiers
Book Binding
Cromwell's St Ives Guided Walk
Cromwell's Huntingdon Guided Walk
Key Collections
‘Cromwell Contemplating the Corpse of the King’ by Dave Brown, 2006.
Huntingdon Railway Poster, c. 1950.
Cromwell and Charles I: English Bronze Figures, late 1800s.
Cromwell and Marston Moor Commemorative Jug, 1994.
Wedgewood Portrait Medallion, c. 1840.
Bust of Oliver Cromwell, after Joseph Wilton, 19th Century.
Powder Flask, c. 1655.
Leather Gaiters, c. 1650.
Spurs, c. 1640.
Travelling Apothecary’s Cabinet, c. 1600.
Pomade Chest, c. 1656.
Felt Hat, c. 1653.
‘Eikon Basilike: The Portraiture of His Sacred Majestie in His Solitude & Sufferings’, 1649.
‘The Royall Entertainment of the King by the Royalists of Huntingdon’, 1645.
‘The Court and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwell’, 1664.
Henry Cromwell’s Letter Book, 1657 – 1659.
“The Humble Petition and Advice presented unto his Highness the Lord Protector of Knights, Citizens and Burgesses assembled”, 1657.
Letter to Captain Underwood, signed by Cromwell, June 6th, 1645 from Huntingdon.
Autographed receipt signed by Oliver Cromwell, January 1643.
Silver Shilling, 1658.
Silver half-crown, 1656.
Silver Dunbar Medal, 1650.
Fairfax Medal, 1645.
Harquebusier Armour, late 1640s.
Cannonball, c. 1644.
Ceremonial Sword, c. 1657.
Mortuary Sword, c. 1650.
Mortuary Sword, late 1640s.
Lobster Pot Helmet
Portrait of Sir Oliver Cromwell, English School, 1647, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Elizabeth Claypole (Cromwell), circle of Sir Peter Lely, c. 1655, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Lady Frances Russell (Cromwell) by John Riley, c. 1670, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of John Thurloe, Circle of William Dobson, 1650s, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Mary, Lady Fauconberg, (Cromwell), circle of Thomas Murray, c.1670, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Richard Cromwell, attributed to John Hayls, c. 1658, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Henry Cromwell, by Christian Dusart, 1655, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Elizabeth Cromwell, the Protectoress, by Robert Walker, c. 1655, Oil on Canvas.
Equestrian Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, English School, c.1655, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, English School, late 1600s, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Elizabeth Cromwell, English School, late 1600s, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of King Charles I, Circle of Sir Peter Lely, Oil on Canvas.
‘Cromwell leading his Cavalry into Battle’ by Abraham Cooper, c. 1860, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Sir Oliver Cromwell, circle of Hieronimo Custodis, c.1580, Oil on Panel.
Portrait of George Monck, after Samuel Cooper, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell by Robert Walker, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Edward Montagu, 1st Earl of Sandwich, Circle of Sir Peter Lely, Oil on Canvas.
‘Study for a painting of the Battle near Boston’ by James Ward, c.1826, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Sir Thomas Fairfax, Circle of Robert Walker, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, Studio of Sir Peter Lely, Oil on Canvas.
Portrait of Oliver Cromwell by Robert Walker, c.1649, Oil on Canvas.
Key Figures
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